Full Custom Blog Design - $500
Perfect for those just starting their blog and are ready to dive in or for those who want a complete blog makeover!  Every element in this design package is custom designed just for you.

What's included:
* header
* background
* content formatting
* color implementation
* coordinating pagination titles
* post signature in your choice of font
* stylized block quote
* numbered comments
* coordinating designer networking buttons
* share button (static or blinking)
* navigation bar
* label/tag cloud
* coordinating favicon
* custom post and title fonts
* coordinating post divider
* styled comments section
* full installation
* sticky note
* what else can you think of?

Medium Package - $135
For those who want a little bit more.

What's included:
everything in small package as well as:
* coordinating pagination titles
* coordinating favicon
* post divider
* networking buttons (add $10 for designer buttons)

Small Package - $95
Just a little something.

What's included:
* custom header
* custom background
* post signature
* coordinating label/tag cloud

A la carte items

Main Elements
* header - $50
* background - $40
* navigation bar - $40
* stylized comment section with numbered comments- $10
* coordinating tag cloud - $10

Social Networking 
* standard small buttons - $20 for set of 4
* designer networking buttons - $10 each
* tweet this twitter feed - $10
* static share button - $20
* blinking share button - $25

Fun Extras
* sticky note - $15
* coordinating pagination - $15
* favicon - $10
post signature - $10
* post divider - $5
* stylized sidebar titles - $5 each

* add a third column - $15
* move post date beneath title for improved SEO - $5
* template sizing changes - $15

** Have a question as to what all of these things actually are?  Head over and check out "the anatomy of a blog"